Lindsey Graham
Republican U.S. Senator from South Carolina | Member of Senate Subcommittee on Border Security and Immigration

During the Trump presidency, Lindsey Graham was one of Trump’s strongest supporters, but the Republican U.S. senator from South Carolina has largely remained steadfast in his diverging views on immigration reform, which include a willingness to consider a pathway to citizenship for law-abiding undocumented immigrants and his belief that immigrants play an important role in the American workforce.
“We’re gonna have a shortage of workers over time,” said Graham in a 2015 Republican presidential primary debate. “As to the 11 million [illegal immigrants here now], I want to talk about fixing the problem. We’re not going to deport 11 million people and their legal citizen children.”
A public office holder since 1993, when he became a one-term state representative in South Carolina before serving four terms in the U.S. House of Representatives, Graham won his fourth term representing South Carolina in the U.S. Senate in November 2020.
A longtime friend of Trump critic John McCain, Graham was slow to warm to former President Trump. But now he has even modified some of his views on immigration reform to better align with Trump: Graham now predicates any possible immigration reform on stronger border security, and while he has expressed sorrow regarding immigrants who have died migrating to the U.S., he stresses that anyone who crosses into the country illegally should face stiff penalties. In July of 2019, shortly after visiting two immigrant detention facilities in Texas, Graham told Fox News that, “I don’t care if they have to stay in these facilities for 400 days.”
- Has Lindsey Graham changed? Not on immigration — yet McClatchy — July 19, 2019
- Immigration: Lindsey Graham's bill to limit asylum clears Senate panel USA Today — August 1, 2019
- Lindsey Graham calls on Trump to 'up his game' on immigration The Hill — July 31, 2018
- 'A wall will not fix this': U.S. Senator Graham offers more steps to limit migrants Reuters — May 15, 2019
- Graham unveils proposal to address 'crisis' at the border ABC News — May 15, 2019
- Senators Schumer and Graham Washington Post — March 19, 2010
- Sens. Chuck Schumer and Lindsey Graham give bipartisan push to immigration reform plan New York Daily News — November 11, 2012
- Senators Reach a Bipartisan Agreement for Comprehensive Immigration Reform The National Law Review — January 31, 2013
- Graham introduces bill that would change asylum process and to try slow flow of migrants CNN — May 15, 2019